Communities Are Losing Air Service
Rally Together to Stop the Loss

FACT: 75% of US airports (324 airports) have less air service today than before the pandemic, despite rising passenger demand. Airports have lost an average of 31% of their flights, a figure that has worsened and will worsen without action. There are 12% fewer airline departures across all airports (Jan 2023 vs Jan 2020).

Rally for Air Service is a coalition formed to communicate the harms of a growing pilot shortage and to urge solutions. We represent a wide range of aviation stakeholders with a shared interest in addressing the shortage and preserving and rebuilding air service in smaller communities.

Our Mission is to educate the public about air service loss and advance solutions that preserve and enhance aviation safety, allow greater and more equitable access to pilot careers, and preserve and restore air service in the United States

Airports With Service Loss/Reductions

Scroll over cities to see percentage of air service reductions/losses October 2022 vs. October 2019

  • All
  • Communities losing ALL air service.
  • Communities losing LESS than 25% air service.
  • Communities losing MORE than 25% air service.

A crisis level shortage of pilots in the United States has forced airlines to make sweeping schedule cuts, mostly in smaller communities. With too few pilots to serve all of today’s routes, passengers have far fewer options today vs. several years ago. Comparing 2023 with 2020, more than 320 airports have lost air service, more than 150 airports have lost more than a quarter of their service.

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Air Service Loss Examples